To be read

Feel free to suggest a book! I am always on the lookout for new authors!

Books I Own and Have Not Read

Alas! The majority of my books are in storage, as I am between permenant accomodation, and I am unable to read them.... you know what this means? I'll have to buy more books! :O
  1. And the ass saw the angel – Nick Cave
  2. Earth to Hell – Kylie Chan
  3. The Crimson Petal and the White – Michel Faber
  4. Confessions of an Ugly Step-Sister – Gregory Maguire
  5. Beyond Good and Evil – Frederick Nietzsche
  6. Marie Antoinette – Antonia Fraser
  7. Hell’s Angels – Hunter S. Thompson
  8. Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail – Hunter S. Thompson
  9. Kundalini Awakening – John Selby and Zachary Zelig
  10. IT - Stephen King
  11. To the Lighthouse – Virginia Wolf
  12. The War of the Worlds – H.G Wells
  13. Emma – Jane Austen
  14. Persuasion – Jane Austen
  15. Mansfield Park – Jane Austen
  16. Crime and Punishment – Dostoevsky
  17. Solar Lottery – Phillip K. Dick
  18. The Plague – Albert Camus
  19. A Tale of Two Cities – Charles Dickens
  20. Our Mutual Friend - Charles Dickens
  21. The Old Curiosity Shop - Charles Dickens
  22. Bleak House - Charles Dickens
  23. Slaughterhouse-five – Kurt Vonnegut
  24. Psycho-Cybernetics - Dr Maxwell Maltz
  25. We are their Heaven - Allison Dubois
  26. The Post-Birthday World - Lionel Shriver
  27. Tommo and Hawk - Bryce Courtenay
  28. Beyond the Shadows (Night Angel Trilogy Book 3) - Brent Weeks
  29. Moby Dick - Herman Melville
  30. The Golden Lotus - Chin P'ing Mei
  31. Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy
  32. Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
  33. Cakes and Ale - W. Somerset Maugham
  34. The Painted Veil - W. Somerset Maugham
  35. Liza of Lambeth - W. Somerset Maugham
  36. The Razor's Edge - W. Somerset Maugham
  37. Theatre - W. Somerset Maugham
  38. The Moon and Sixpence - W. Somerset Maugham
  39. The Bedroom Secrets of the Masterchefs - Irvine Welsh
  40. Slavic Myth and Mankind: The Forests of the Vampire
  41. I Say Tomato - Katie Wall 
  42. Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
  43. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
  44. Journey to the Centre of the Earth - Jules Verne
  45. The Secret Fire - Martin Langfield
  46. Dark Origins - Anthony E. Zuker
  47. Portarit of the Artist as an Old Man - Joseph Heller
  48. The Lacuna - Barbara Kingsolver
  49. The Gunslinger (Dark Tower Series Book 1) - Stephen King
  50. The Drawing of the Three (Dark Tower Series Book 2) - Stephen King
  51. The Waste Lands (Dark Tower Series Book 3) - Stephen King
  52. Wizard and Glass (Dark Tower Series Book 4) - Stephen King
  53. The Kingdom of Ohio - Matthew Flaming
  54. The 6th Target - James Patterson
Books I Plan to Read for My 'Reading Around the World' Goal
  • Les Miserables - Victor Hugo (France)
  • Le Père Goriot - Honoré de Balzac (France)
  • Purge - Sofi Oksanen (Finland)  
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