New comment system

It has been just over a week now since I moved my blog from Wordpress to Blogger and I am excited to see some of you have joined me over here already!

If you have looked at my blog over the past week you will have noticed I was having major issues with the format of the blogger commenting system. It just wasn't working for my template and there were all sorts of problems.

After much effort on my part I have given up and installed a third party commenting system by Intense Debate. This system seems to be a lot better than the blogger system as it allows users to log in with OpenID, Twitter or Wordpress, it allows avatars, it has a "reply" function and it also allows commenters to subscribe to replies by email (for those times where you want to see what others have to say but don't want to keep checking back). So overall, it seems like a better platform.

Downsides, it takes a few seconds to load when you open the post (so please be patient), I can't work out how to highlight my replies to comments and all previous comments on all posts have been deleted (which is disappointing but I lost all my comments moving over from Wordpress anyway). Besides those few things, I think I like it.

I will trial it for a week or so and see how it goes. If you have any feedback them please comment (or email me) and let me know what you think!
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