Alexia Tarabotti, the Lady Woolsey, awakens in the wee hours of the mid-afternoon to find her husband, who should be decently asleep like any normal werewolf, yelling at the top of his lungs. Then he disappears - leaving her to deal with a regiment of supernatural soldiers encamped on her doorstep, a plethora of exorcised ghosts, and an angry Queen Victoria.
But Alexia is armed with her trusty parasol, the latest fashions, and an arsenal of biting civility. Even when her investigations take her to Scotland, the backwater of ugly waistcoats, she is prepared: upending werewolf pack dynamics as only the soulless can. She might even find time to track down her wayward husband, if she feels like it.
Genre: Fiction, Steampunk, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Orbit
Year: 2010
Rating: 3/5
You know... trying to write this review I realise I don't have much to say about this novel. Sure I am way behind in my reviews and it's been months since I read it, which could be the reason why, but really, what is there to say?
For me the Parasol Protectorate series is my go to when I need a silly read. You know those times when you just can't do serious, you don't want to think too hard and you want something fun? Yup, these books provide just that and I mean that in a positive way. These types of books are just as important as serious, award winning literature.
That said, I have no firm opinions on the plot in this book. Sure it was an enjoyable enough read. There were a few laugh out loud moments and Carriger has a unique writing style, but I didn't connect with the characters and for me that is the number one aspect of what makes a book excellent instead of average.
Reading this series, I know Lord Maccon is supposed to be a mega hotty, but I don't see it. Honestly, I am probably not the best person to review this book as despite my enjoyment of paranormal novels, I just don't "do" paranormal romance in the sense it makes me swoon.... and I think I am supposed to swoon. Instead I picture Lord Maccon to be hairy, smelly and ... well.... let's leave it at that.
As for Alexia. I want to love her, I really do. She had so much potential in book number one to be an awesome, kick are female protagonist. Unfortunately I didn't feel her character was developed much more in this novel... for me, she lacks depth. Depth is what makes an ordinary character a brilliant one. Honestly, I think it must be extremely difficult to write 'real' characters, especially when they are of the supernatural variety. So that can be forgiven.
When I read Soulless last year I enjoyed it. Mainly because it was so different from my usual reads. So I picked up Changeless thinking I could really get into this series. Although I have Blameless sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read (and I will read it) I am not itching to do so. I am happy for it to sit there until I am having one of those days where I need some silliness.
Yvonne · 739 weeks ago
I also love the Kathy Reichs style of writing.
I have read a few of her books, over the years, but not 'Deadly Decisions', although I know that I have it in my TBR pile somewhere.
'Bones To Ashes' was the last book of Kathy's that I read, that also featured Tempe as it's central character and I can highly recommend it.
Rachel 89p · 739 weeks ago
espeutish 78p · 739 weeks ago
Rachel 89p · 739 weeks ago
Coffee & Book Chick · 739 weeks ago
Rachel 89p · 739 weeks ago