All Together Dead - Charlaine Harris

All Together Dead is the 7th book in Charlaine Harris’ Southern Vampire Series. In this novel, Sookie Stackhouse must attend the vampire summit to work for the queen of Louisiana. The queen is having a bad time of it at the moment, not only does she have to go on trial for the murder of her husband, the king of Arkansas, but hurricane Katrina has hit New Orleans with full force devastating the state. She must also face other vampire royalty that would love to see her found guilty of murder, so they can sink their claws (or fangs) into her kingdom. Sookie must use her telepathic abilities to find out who is for, and who is against ,the queen… but Sookie finds out that siding with the queen of Louisiana may cost her more than she realised.
Betrayed by her longtime vampire love, Louisiana cocktail waitress Sookie Stackhouse must now not only deal with a possible new man in her life – the oh-so-handsome shape-shifter Quinn – but also contend with a long-planned vampire summit. With her power base weakened by hurricane damage to New Orleans, the local vampire queen is vulnerable to those hungry for a take-over. Soon, Sookie must decide what side she’ll stand with. And her choice may mean the difference between survival and all-out catastrophe…
I enjoyed this book (no surprise there!), like all other Sookie Stackhouse books it was face paced and action packed. The majority of the book took place at the vampire summit and there was much to do with the queen and Sookie’s new lover, Quinn. This book did a good job of progressing Sookie’s story but I just didn’t find it as gripping of some of the other books – I think although the vampire summit was interesting, it just lacked something that the other books had.. maybe variety of scenes and events?. Either way, I am looking forward to reading book number 8!!

Rating 3.5/5


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